Friday, November 20, 2009

When the motorbikes got better people started to try and ride them off road, this lead to trials and motorcross. Not much changed for a while people simply just rode road bikes off road.After a while people put better tyres one for better grip, also people started to change the gearing on the bikes, more so for trials so that the bike could go slowly but could also speed up quickly.The problem was that the bikes were still so heavy, the next big thing was to try and make the bikes lighter. Small things such as smaller petrol tank , thinner but stronger frame ( different metal )

Now a days people have made bike very light! road bikes are still heavy but lighter then they were , off road bikes like trial bikes have been made extremely light.
My trials bike is so light that i can almost lift up the whole bike with one hand.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Its funny that one design that was thought of years ago is still around today, modern motor bikes ares till based on the same design there are a few different things added in but it is still the same part for each engine, piston,crankshaft gearing etc .People have tried different designs over the years but weren't successful and now people making electric racing motor bikes in the TT isle of man races, they do work well and go very fast considering that they are electric but the best bike is still the petrol powered bike which ar still the fast bike around the isle of man course.

Here is one of John Kemp Starley motor bikes i know you cant see the front of the motorbike but really the engine is the most important piece in the picture,(if you want to see full picture just click on it) it shows how basically he just put a engine into a bicycle frame.You can even see the pedals and chain as well as the engine.

Karl Benz made motor bikes but he really made cart like vehicles, they where powered by a petrol engine instead of being pulled by a horse, the steering of the carts wasn't as good as the motor bikes but the carts could hold many more people then on a motorbike.

Motor bike engines were and still are the same idea as a car engine except that a car engine probably has more cylinders then a motorbikes engine.

Above is one of Karl Benz's three wheeled chart that was powered by a engine.

Most of the earlier motor bikes were single cylinder engines which were easier to make then engines with more than one cylinder because with a engine which had more then one cylinder u have to have the two piston heads revolving at the same time and compressing the petrol at the same time and then have to have two spark plugs and because the motorbikes back then weren't very reliable back then you wanted everything simple so if you start putting two of everything its just more tings to go wrong on the bike . As the motorbikes improve and became more reliable and the engine understanding and technology became more widely spread so more people were making motorbikes, people started to put two cylinders in bikes which took some thinking on how they were going to do it without the engine in the bike being huge . People realized that if they could put two pistons onto the crankshaft , the two pistons would be revolving at the same speed so there isn't any need of having another engine or any thing , its all inside the same engine and wasn't huge .

Soon after motorbikes became slightly more reliable people started to race them .Racing became very popular very quickly.Now that people could build motor bike and for the bikes to be reasonably reliable the focus changed from building the motor bikes to trying to find out how to make them go faster , it was all about speed now .

There was a pause of the racing end of things during world War one, racing bikes weren't make nearly as much the manics were sent to work on tanks and other vehicles.After the war it took a while for the racing to get going again.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The bicycle was the first thing that happened before the motor bike.
During this time the people were improving the technology of engines, people could now make the engines smaller.This was the start of the motorbikes.What happened was that people saw how the bicycle was powered along by the rider making the chain go round which turned the wheel, there were many people put engines into a bicycle's but many of the weren't successful.Karl Friedrich Benz and John Kemp Starley were the first people to build a succsessful petrol powered motor bike. They both had different designs on how to make their motor bikes. These mootor bikes were made n Germany

Monday, November 9, 2009

There are so many different types of motor bikes in the world today, Road bikes, motorcross , trials bikes, i could keep on nameing different types of motor bikes . the main two types are road and off road .